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Business News

Assessing the Effects of Apple's Ban on Vaping Apps

Is the vape industry worth the hype for entrepreneurs?

Growing a Business

6 Areas of Law Every Business Owner Needs to Understand

Avoiding costly missteps can help ensure long-term success.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Draw Up Winning Plays for Your Business

Here is how to use your legal team to get proactive and win in business.


4 Ways to Save on Taxes When Selling Property

If you can implement one -- or more -- of these smart tax moves, you'll help improve your profits when selling property.


The 4 Benefits of Owning Rental Property as a Business

In addition to the tax savings you'll generate, there are three other benefits to buying rental property.


Getting Your Feet Wet in the Rental Property Business

The 10-step plan to purchasing your first rental property


Tax-Savings Strategy: Hiring Your Children and Grandchildren

You can save money and teach the next generations smart money tactics if you hire them right.


The 7-Step Health Care Plan for Small-Business Owners

Discover how to maximize your health-care benefits, reduce costs and get tax benefits to boot.


Don't Be Fooled by These C Corp. Fairy Tales

There are three myths advisors use to sell entrepreneurs on the value of C Corp., but you won't find a happily ever after here.

Real Estate

5 Most Common Red Flags Entrepreneurs Should Know Before Signing a Commercial Real Estate Lease in New York

It's exciting to find a home for your business, but here's what experts say you should know before you sign that commercial real estate lease.


¿Cuál es la mejor manera de estructurar legalmente múltiples negocios?

Hay ventajas y desventajas en la estructuración de múltiples negocios y muchas formas de hacerlo mal.


What's the Best Way to Legally Structure Multiple Businesses?

There are advantages and disadvantages to structuring multiple business, and lots of ways to do it wrong.


This App Helps You Write Your Will On Your Terms

With this streamlined app, you won't have to worry about expensive fees and complicated legal jargon in order to craft a binding will that will benefit your loved ones.

News and Trends

Introduction to Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Ever wondered if an entire corporation can be run on the blockchain without human intervention?

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How Lawyers Can Stay Relevant in the Automated World

Robotic process automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence are significantly affecting the legal profession