Sleep Habits


Why Leaders Should Welcome Employees Napping on the Job

Well-rested workers are happier, more effective and better prepared to engage customers in positive ways.


Arianna Huffington: 'It Really Makes No Sense' to Think You Can Sleep Less and Get More Done

After a dramatic breakdown that was the result of burnout, the media mogul did deep research on why sleep matters and ultimately wrote the book, 'The Sleep Revolution.'


阿里安娜赫芬顿Af戏剧性的教训ter 'Coming to in a Pool of Blood and Realizing Nobody Had Shot Me'

The media mogul and entrepreneur started her investigation into sleep because she herself wasn't getting enough rest.


The Bedtime Routines of 4 Exceptionally Successful People

From Bill Gates to Barack Obama, here's an eye-opening peek at how some of the most famous and accomplished people of our time hit the sack.


If You Push Hard Nonstop, You Will Not Become Superhuman. You Will Burn Out.

A former corporate venture capitalist turned professional adventurer says that rest is the key to a successful and creative career.


Arianna Huffington: 'Sleep Deprivation Is the New Smoking'

The media mogul is on a mission to change the way people think about shuteye.


Improve Your Sleep -- and Your Life -- With These 8 Tips

Want to master the art of sleeping? Start by conditioning your body and your brain with these simple tips and habits.


How to Organize Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

Rethink your nightstands, TV, once-worn clothing and more for restful nights of slumber.


This One Thing Will Help You Get Better Sleep, New Study Says

Data from the University of Michigan looks at sleep patterns around the world.


How CEOs Optimize Their Sleep Schedule

As an entrepreneur, sleep is extremely important. You can improve your sleep by understanding how sleep works.


Employees Don't Get Enough Sleep, and It's Your Fault

One problem may be that 42 percent of U.S. employees surveyed said they didn't take a single vacation day in 2014.

Business News

Less Sleep May Mean More Risk of Colds and Infections

A study shows that not getting enough sleep impacts the immune, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.


Rest Well, Live Well: 10 Sleep Hacks to Help You Live Your Best Life

These tricks and strategies will help you get the most out of your time in bed.


7 Ways to Cure 'Entrepreneur Insomnia'

When you're trying to fall asleep, 'There's an app for that.'

Business News

10 Ways to Sleep Smarter

'I'll sleep when I'm dead' is a terrible life motto.