Portia Asli, P.Eng., MBA

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor
Founder & CEO of Optimyzed Brain

Portia Asli is the founder of Optimyzed Brain and a licensed engineer helping entrepreneurs and executives optimize their brains for high performance.



Boost Your Cognitive Performance By Minimizing Oxidative Stress

Do you have a hard time concentrating? Do brain-intensive tasks take longer to complete? Do you feel irritated and agitated quickly? Follow these actionable nutrition tips to increase your cognitive performance.


5 Powerful Leadership Lessons to Learn From Star Wars's Boba Fett

Take a page out of Boba Fett's leadership book to achieve your mission even during tough times.


5 poderosas lecciones de liderazgo de Boba Fett de Star Wars

Toma una página del libro de liderazgo de Boba Fett para cumpir tu misión incluso en tiempos difíciles.

Growing a Business

5 High-Performance Strategies Entrepreneurs Can Adapt From Marathoners

Implement the strategies that help long-distance runners stay highly focused, maintain energy throughout the course and have an astounding mental resilience.


5 estrategias de alto rendimiento que los emprendedores pueden adaptar de los maratonianos

Implemente las estrategias que ayudan a los corredores de larga distancia a mantenerse altamente concentrados, mantener la energía durante todo el recorrido y tener una asombrosa capacidad de recuperación mental.

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