Personal Improvement

Making a Change

The 4 Types of Business Identities and How to Determine Which You Are

There are four types of identities that people fit into it. And understanding which one you are will help you achieve your goals.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Deal With the 7 Most-Challenging Workplace Personality Types

Plus: What to do if you're (gasp!) one of them.

Side Hustle

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Side Hustle

If you think you're ready to turn that business idea that's been simmering in your brain into a full-fledged business, read these tips first to get started on the right foot.

Growing a Business

16 Actions to Take to Achieve Any Goal

Get clear on your vision, make your plan, take action, reassess and then revise. Never fails.


After Getting Up at 5 am Every Day for a Month I'm Less Stressed, More Productive and Generally Happier

You get a lot more done in the morning and waste a lot less time at night fretting about how much you have to do.

Thought Leaders

For Decades, These Same 3 Issues Have Held Women Entrepreneurs Back. Here's What You Can Do About It.

In the '90s, I wrote the book 'Dive Right In – The Sharks Won't Bite: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Guide to Success.' A lot of the same things I saw then, I see now.

Life Hacks

10 Hacks That Will Make Office Life Much More Bearable

Life happens, even at work. So try out these tips for dealing with spilled coffee, staying cool with a fan and more.

Making a Change

If Your Boss Isn't Telling You How to Improve, Here's How You Can Find Out for Yourself

Ask around and ask often for specifics about what you need to do to succeed.

Making a Change

Feeling Lazy Today? This Is How You Break the Laziness Loop

Beating yourself up for being "lazy" is self-defeating.

Making a Change

8 Ways Very Busy People Find the Time to Be Very Well Read People

You could be reading a couple of books a month, or more, just by managing your time a little better.


How Women Can Build Stronger Relationships at Work -- and Actually Boost Their Careers

Think strategically and actively about building your in-office network. The more you give, the more you'll get.

Making a Change

5 Mental Powers Every Entrepreneur Can Develop

High performers aren't superhuman, they've just honed their minds in ways anyone could but few do.

Growing a Business

Addicted to Your Business? Never Satisfied? It's Not a Bad Thing.

Transform your single-minded dedication into meaningful work that demonstrates your commitment to success.

Making a Change

Entrepreneurs Spend Too Little, Once They Personally Reflect on It

If you have employees, you have a lot of responsibility. This is worth thinking about.

Growing a Business

3 Sage Yoga Lessons for Building a Brand

A solid foundation is the key to long-term growth.