Laura Tiffany

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Starting a Business

American Inventor, Episode 3

From a toe-shaped jam dispenser to a new-and-improved tooth flosser, the inventions on episode three run the gamut.


Beyond the Burger: 8 Fast-Food Concepts

If you're looking for an out-of-the-ordinary food franchise that'll grab diners' attentions, start here.


21 Ways to Bring in the Business

Despite your desperate hopes and prayers, business isn't just going to wander into your business. You need to get out there and hustle, and we've got the tips to help you do it.

Starting a Business

Secretary of State and Commerce Websites

Ready to incorporation? Find the information you need at one of the following sites.

Business News

Home Biz Startup Checklist

You've got a solid-gold home biz idea, but how do you get started? Our simple, all-in-one checklist sorts out the details for you.

Business News

Hot Trends for 2005

WHY people buy is just as important as WHAT they buy. Learn the trends that are leading people to their next purchase.