Laura Tiffany

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Thought Leaders

How Should I Protect My New Partnership?

You may have been best friends forever, but you should still protect yourself legally when you're starting a business with a friend.


Franchise Registration States

Find out if your state regulates franchises.

Business Ideas

Starting an Arts & Crafts Business

Think all you need to know is how to knit or paint? Not quite. If you want to start a serious crafts business, you'll have to focus on the business <I>and</I> the craft.

Business News

Hottest Business Ideas for 2002

Don't worry. These business may be smoking, but the only thing that will go up in flames is your status as "employee."

Business News

Big in Japan

Forget Honda, Fujitsu and Sony--take your next big cue from Tokyo's teenage girls.

Business Ideas

Surviving Your First Year

Nothing can <I>quite</I> prepare you for the rigors of entrepreneurship, but, done right, that first year in business can be your most exciting ever. Here's how to stay ahead of the game.