Karen E. Spaeder

Karen E. Spaeder is a freelance business writer in Southern California.

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Business News

It's Time to Rebuild

One brick at a time, we can still pursue our dreams.

Business News

When Good Decisions Go Bad

We've all been there: You thought you were making a wise choice; it turned into a disaster. Now you've got some moving on to do.

Business News

Are You Too Grown Up?

Don't get so caught up in being an adult that you forget what it's like to be a kid.


Attending a Trade Show

They're easy enough to find. But what do you do to get there?

Business News

余波:我们正在On Just Fine

What do you do when there's dotcom carnage all around you? Don't take it lying down, that's what.

Business News

Turn It Off

Listen closely. If the only sound you hear is the hum of your hard drive or the ring of your phone, you've got some adjusting to do.