Howie Jones

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Business News

Why Businesses Should Always Have a Software Backup Plan

Nowadays, running your business without using some kind of software is hard. Even the most straightforward transactions are usually accomplished on an electronic point of service (POS). However, as amazing...

Business News

Keep Your Remote Employees Functioning as a Cohesive Team

Remote work can be incredibly beneficial to companies for a number of reasons. For starters, not needing extensive office space for employees can drastically reduce overhead costs. Many employees who...

Business News

6 Ways to Stay Focused When You Work From Home

Working from home is an entirely different experience from working in an office, for better or for worse. Some people thrive when working from home, as they feel more comfortable...

Business News

5 Things Businesses Can Do to Look Out for Customers

Businesses exist because of customers. Without a client base, your business can’t survive. Regardless of your business type, taking care of customers is key to your success. What can you...

Business News

6 Ways to Prepare Your Business for the Upcoming Holidays

假期可以难以置信的破坏性,especially for small businesses and their customers. You could either be in a very slow season looking for things to accomplish or so...

Business News

How to Eliminate Scheduling Inefficiencies in Your Business

What do salons, consultancies, and home service providers all have in common? This question may seem like the prime setup for a joke, but there's no punchline to look forward...