Devin Partida


Business News

How to Save Money for Your Children

Nobody can predict the future, but all parents and guardians know one thing for sure — your child or children are expensive and will need money to thrive into adulthood....

Business News

Using FinTech to Optimize Real Estate Investments

Whether you're a real estate investor, entrepreneur or simply a finance-savvy consumer, financial technology (fintech) has allowed great strides when it comes to optimizing real estate investments. Fintech involves using...

Business News

Should You Invest In Real Estate in a Market Downturn?

A market downturn can be a scary time for investors. As people spend less and the economy slows down, many of your investments will likely produce less-than-stellar returns and you...

Business News

Starting a Business in a Recession: What You Should Know

Launching a new business venture is a giant leap, even in the best of times. Variables, increased costs and a new responsibility as an owner are all big shifts, and...

Business News

Tax Credits You Might Qualify For

无论你在哪里,助教xes are a nebulous yearly commitment with seemingly endless secrets to uncover for ultimate savings. The U.S. federal government institutes tax credits to help Americans...

Business News

Online Banking Security is Not Optional

Online banking has become one of the most common ways to access your finances. Odds are you've logged into your account from your computer or an app on your phone,...

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