Writing a Book


5 Ways Writing and Publishing a Book Can Elevate Your Brand

Here are five ways in which becoming an author can significantly increase your brand's reach and visibility.


Book Covers Are Making a Comeback — Here's Why Entrepreneurs Should Take Note

Driven by visual social media and digital reading innovations, book cover design is reclaiming significance.


Why Writing a Book is the Next Crucial Step to Becoming a Successful Leader and Entrepreneur

Books offer business leaders a unique platform to establish authority, share insights and leave a legacy. Beyond branding, they foster introspection, magnify mentorship and enhance global reach.

Thought Leaders

How Entrepreneurs Can Use Books to Make Money and Attract High-Value Clients

Learn how successful entrepreneurs leverage authorship as a unique strategy to draw high-value clients and boost their businesses.


How I Made Money From My Book Without Selling a Single Copy

Did you know you can make money with a book without selling copies? Here's exactly how I did it.

Business News

How Entrepreneurs Can Make Money Writing a Book

Publishing a book in your niche featuring your business is an easy decision.


Are Multi-Author Books Just Scams? Here's What You Need to Know

Here is some background so you can decide if joining a multi-author book is right for you.

Side Hustle

Looking for a Game-Changing Way to Showcase Your Expertise? Why a Book Is the 'World's Best Business Card'

Publishing a book, not an Instagram post, is the ultimate way to stand out and boost your credibility in a crowded marketplace.


The 9 Dos and Don'ts of Book Signing Events

Book signing events are a great way to promote an author's work, engage with readers and gain new fans — but they can also be intimidating if you're not prepared.


4 Reasons Why You Should Write a Multi-Author Book

Collaborative books are a growing trend this year.

Thought Leaders

5 Things to Do After You Publish Your Book

Books have become the business cards of modern entrepreneurs. Here are the best ways to market your book after publication.


How to Leave Your Legacy, Help Others and Raise Your Authority

Here's what entrepreneurs should do if they want to leave their legacy, build a personal brand, drive business and increase visibility and reputation.


7 Common Obstacles Aspiring Authors Face — and How to Overcome Them

Here are a few tips that will help you start writing that book you always dreamed about.

Science & Technology

The Dos and Don'ts of Using AI to Write Your Book

AI is here, and people are freaking out. But you can't use it for everything — unless you want to sound like everyone else or Rosie from the Jetsons. Here's what to use it for and what not to use it for in writing your book.


You Won't Have A Complete Business or Personal Brand Without This

书保持的最大途径explain and demonstrate deep knowledge about complex subjects, issues, or expertise — all while building the author's credibility and brand.