Workplace Wellness

News and Trends

'Friending' Your Employees is Actually Good for Business

Businesses need to understand that it's the little things that have a big impact on employee experience

Making a Change

投资于你ur People Is Investing in the Future of Your Business

Cultivate human capital carefully with thoughtful approaches to wellness, open communication and ties to the larger community.

Growth Strategies

How to Tackle Workplace Stress and Anxiety

Around 300 million people globally suffer from workplace related depression and 260 million suffer from anxiety disorders


The Key To Success Is Self-Discipline & Here Are 8 Steps To Master It

There are many qualities that can make you a better person but self-discipline is the only one when it comes to long-term success in every aspect of life

News and Trends

Why We Need to Talk Often about Mental Health at the Workplace

Companies need to look at the health and safety of workers more holistically, and address not just physical welfare but also emotional well being


5 Ways to Boost Employee Emotional Well-Being

It's imperative to nurture the mental-emotional wellbeing of your employees to help them stand the vagaries of a start-up environment and ensure success

Growth Strategies

What the Workplace Will Look Like in 2019

The trends lean towards adapting to the changes in the employee landscape and acknowledge the blurring of the lines between an employee's professional and personal lives


A Workplace Trend That Everyone Knows, But Nobody Talks About As Much

Work is inherently stressful, but if it keeps mounting every day there's a big price to pay


Why Open Plan Offices are Bad News For Employees

Employees in such spaces spend less time in face-to-face interactions, making teams less collaborative and productive


How to Cultivate a Happy Workplace without Spending a Single Penny

By taking small steps to create a cheerful and motivated work environment, there are likely to be fewer work-related conflicts, lesser absenteeism, and more productivity


Why the Secret to Your Success in Business Could Be Having a Pet

After all, the four-legged friends help us evolve, connect with others, and stay grounded

Growth Strategies

How can HR Facilitate Fun at Work?

Workplaces are no longer the conventional brick and mortar buildings, where people clock in and clock out, thanks to the influence of technology & social media

Growth Strategies

The Rewards And Dangers Of Hiring From Within!

Opportunities dance with those already on the dance floor! Pick the ones ready (stars)-motivate them - push them into the right seat - rest is all about success!


6 Ways for Leaders to Create a Healthy Organizational Culture

Culture plays a major role in the success of a company, as it influences the morale and productivity of its employees


10 Science-Backed Strategies Used by Corporate Leaders to Gain Easy-Wins

The art of persuasion can help anyone seal deals and climb status ladders faster