Workplace Wellness

Health & Wellness

We Need More 'Chief Mental Health Officers.' Here's How to Become One.

The world at large -- not just the world of business -- needs more compassionate leadership.

News and Trends

Why We Have to Work Overtime Despite Being Efficient

Nine in 10 employees lose time each day on tasks unrelated to their core job, finds study


What's the No.1 Office Perk?

It's not onsite cafeterias, fitness centres, medical care or childcare


5 Things People Must Refrain From For Not Hurting Their LGBTQ Colleague

Despite a progressive mindset, people unintentionally end up making their LGBTQ colleagues uncomfortable


How do you Achieve Holistic Happiness at Your Business?

Holistic spirituality could be the answer to modern-day workplace problems


To Build a Strong Team, You Need to Address All of Your Employees' Needs

You employ people, not automatons. Overlooking their physical and mental health squanders an opportunity to develop a high-performing team.

Money & Finance

The Billion-Dollar Reason You Should Get More Sleep

No rest is bad for business.


Do You Do All Work & No Workout?

Creation of on-site wellness programs is important because the majority of an employee's time is spent at the workplace

Health & Wellness

These Strategies Can Help Entrepreneurs Prevent Stress From Becoming a Big Problem

And create a workplace that can support yourself and your colleagues during times of stress.


Seven Signs of a Toxic Organisation

Your work is not just a regular job but it's your karma and you need to take care of your surroundings for your physical and mental growth


Why "Officepreneurship" is Important for Driving Entrepreneurship?

With officepreneurship, you potentially get back stories of inspiration from your employees


Do You Think You Understand Wellness at the Workplace

Offer dignified work environs to your team, and they offer you business

Starting a Business

How would it be to have a Chief Wellness Officer Within Your Business?

Workplace wellness is as important as deriving business profits