Trep mindset

Thought Leaders

How Your Daily Discipline Drives Success

You need to chop wood and carry water every day (or at least your business' version of those tasks).

Thought Leaders

Why 'Grit' May Be Everything for Success

Lack of grit -- call it persistence -- is the entrepreneurship killer.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways Entrepreneurs See Life Differently

Entrepreneurship is like a near-death experience, and that's if you succeed. Win or lose, you'll be changed.

Business Ideas

8 Mindset Shifts Needed to Go From Older Employee to 'Silverpreneur'

Stop holding yourself back by referring to what you used to do. Instead be open to embracing the new.

Thought Leaders

4 Excuses Holding You Back From Being an Entrepreneur

Everybody is scared to leave their cozy job and nobody starts a business with enough money. Overcoming those worries is what makes an entrepreneur.

Thought Leaders

Cultivating The Mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur

How we think about things is as important as what we know.


5个关键人物istics Every Entrepreneur Should Have

If you're aspiring to start your own company, see how many of these vital personality traits you possess.

Growing a Business

Why Thinking Abstractly Helps You Negotiate

Three ways to find hidden win-win situations in all of your business negotiations.

Thought Leaders

How Your Brain Really Works (Interactive Graphic)

Which part of your brain holds your memories? Where are elements of your personality stored? Click around on this interactive model of the brain to find out.

Growing a Business

Are You a Risk-Taker or Just Reckless?

Calculated decision-making is essential for entrepreneurs while recklessness puts you and your company at risk. Here are four traits to watch for to prevent dangerous decision-making and its damage.

Business Ideas

How to Know When to Trust Your Gut

Follow these four steps to know when you should go with your intuition and when you should take a more facts-based approach.

Starting a Business

Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

Two professors argue if the instinct to be your own boss is a product of nature or nurture.

Starting a Business

4 Tips for Dealing with Founder Depression

When you feel down, try these tips to fight self-doubt and get back to running your business.


Fake It Until You Make It: How to Believe in Yourself When You Don't Feel Worthy

Despite achieving success, many business leaders doubt their skills. Here are four tips to help overcome impostor syndrome.


How to Think Like a Confident Leader

A vital step to success is believing in yourself. Here are three tips help you boost your confidence.