The Wolf of Wall Street


Does Jordan Belfort's 'Sell Me This Pen' Sales Trick Actually Work?

Here are three questions that are more effective tools to use in the interviewing process.

Business News

6 Must Watch Films about the Business World

Understanding the white collar world through the lenses of cinema.

Thought Leaders

Hollywood's Greatest Financial Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Making money at any cost wrecks lives, as these 6 movies powerfully remind us.


Low on Drive? Watch Matthew McConaughey Deliver This Rousing Ode to Purpose.

'You gotta ask yourself, why are you playing the game?' McConaughey told football players while visiting practice at his alma mater, the University of Texas.

Growing a Business

How 'The Wolf of Wall Street' Helped Me Increase My Sales by 50 Percent

这部电影为业务ins似乎是一个奇怪的地方piration, but there's one important takeaway in it.


Oscar Predictions: Who Will Win an Academy Award? This Data Company Thinks It Has the Answers.

It's anyone's guess who'll take home a golden statue, but big data could provide some insight.


TELL US: Who Do You Think Will Win at the Oscars?

Most everyone has an opinion about who will win an Academy Award. Share yours with us.


Monster or Mastermind? 3 Business Takeaways from Wall Street's 'Wolf'

While 'The Wolf of Wall Street' may seem like a cautionary tale of precisely what not to do in business, much can be learned from Jordan Belfort's story.

Money & Finance

The Anti-Capitalist Bigotry of 'The Wolf of Wall Street'

As the chatter over the 'The Wolf of Wall Street' shows, the only acceptable form of bias nowadays is toward the free markets.