
Business News

Thanksgiving Will Be More Expensive This Year: Farm Bureau

Overall, a Thanksgiving dinner, including a turkey and all the different side-dishes, will cost between 4 percent and 5 percent more in 2021 than in 2020, Veronica Nigh, senior economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation said.


20 Wise Insights on Gratitude to Spark a Positive Mindset

Being grateful doesn't guarantee that you'll get more, only that you'll have enough.

Business News

10 Surprising Deals, Tips and Tricks for Cyber Monday

Keep an eye out for unconventional deals -- and deals that aren't really deals at all.


Why You Should Treat Every Day Like Thanksgiving

There's a big return on investment for expressing gratitude regularly.

Thought Leaders

8 Things Entrepreneurs Can Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving

Having difficulty finding things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving? Feel free to borrow mine.


12 Ways to Steer the Conversation So Everyone Is Happy on Thanksgiving

Perhaps this year even more than most, it is important at Thanksgiving dinner to connect authentically with love and tolerance.

Growing a Business

A Little Gratitude Can Go a Long Way

Thank all the helpful people in your life, personally and professionally.

Thought Leaders

Thanksgiving Is a Reminder to Appreciate Your Staff

See the good in everyone, and let them know how much you value them.


Want to Feel Happier? Give Thanks All Year Round.

Acknowledging what we're grateful for makes us feel better.

Growing a Business

How Meal-Kit Companies Prepped for Thousands of Thanksgiving Meals This Week

One company will ship 15,000 pounds of green beans this Thanksgiving.

Business News

What's on the Menu of This Restaurant's $50,000 Thanksgiving Dinner?

Bust out your solid-gold Pilgrim hat and dig in!


A Billion Dollars of Turkeys and Other Thanksgiving Numbers to Gobble Up

Here's a snapshot of what to expect Nov. 24.


5 Powerful Ways to Give Thanks to Your People

Showing appreciation to staff is appropriate during the holiday season but can be a great year-round practice.