Startup Mistakes

Want to Franchise Your Business? Make Sure You Know These 5 Things

A seasoned franchisor's advice on how to build a successful franchising system.

John DeHart

John DeHart

Most Franchisors Fail to Scale Because They Don't Realize This

Franchising is a massive learning curve and a completely different business that needs to be mastered.

John DeHart

John DeHart

Know Your Company's Core and Know Your Way Forward

Losing focus on your core causes a breakdown of what the business is presenting to its audience.

Adam Horlock

Adam Horlock


Founders succumb to three common cognitive biases that sink most startups.

Ganes Kesari

Ganes Kesari

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Companies Make When Designing a Logo

Your logo is your business identity -- it can be difficult to get right, and incredibly easy to get wrong.

Zaheer Dodhia

Zaheer Dodhia

5 Myths That May Be Causing Your Startup to Stall

Common pitfalls and misconceptions entrepreneurs need to avoid when starting their business.

Nico Barawid

Nico Barawid

How to Earn an In With the Supportive Partners You Need

Three tips for developing the right relationships and justifying your time on partners' calendars.

Pam Kosanke

Pam Kosanke

6 Ways a Startup Can Surpass Entrenched Brands

Entrepreneurs often create businesses but are unable to establish themselves as leaders due to industry giants dominating the market share. This article highlights the factors than an entrepreneur should consider in order to break that dominance and establish themselves as an industry leader.

Abeer Raza

Abeer Raza

How Can Making Mistakes Help Us Sustain as Entrepreneurs?

Businesses thrive that see mistakes as a fundamental part of the growth journey.

Abeer Raza

Abeer Raza

5 Quick-Thinking Solutions That Saved Durable Businesses

No matter how well you plan or how far ahead you think, unexpected expenses and market shifts will catch you out. Then thinking on your feet alone will determine whether your company survives.

Rashan Dixon

Rashan Dixon

Four Mistakes That Led to the Failure of My First Investment

Reasons that made a venture not perform and fail are going to help you in not making those mistakes yourself

Krishna Kumar N