Office Jargon

Business Culture

Business Buzzwords Everyone Will Be Hearing More of in 2023

Corporate jargon is becoming increasingly common among employees and social media users as they try to navigate a confusing job market. A growing list of business buzzwords are surfacing across the internet and the office, only further confusing employees and employers further as their direct meaning continuously changes.


Avoid These 10 Corporate Buzzwords and Phrases If You Don't Want Your Millennial Employees to Hate You

A survey of more than 30,000 young professionals found these more cringeworthy than the rest.


Once You Become an Entrepreneur, It's Time to Quit With the 'Corporate-Speak'

The benignly impersonal jargon that passes for communication in big corporations doesn't work for making one-to-one human connections.

Thought Leaders

Here's Why You Absolutely Have to Stop Using Jargon at Work

Let's all not talk about 'data dumps' anymore, OK?

Growing a Business

Do Us All a Favor and Stop Saying These Words Around the Office

It's time to lose these phrases from your vocab.