Marketing to Seniors


Seniors Are a Huge Market but Stop Trying to Scare Them Into Buying

Fear-based marketing to seniors was probably already outdated in the days of "I've fallen and can't get up."


Seniors in Emerging Markets Represent Huge Opportunity for Innovative Entrepreneurs

Older adults are one of the world's largest underserved populations. Those who invest now will tap unmet needs and reap the rewards.


5 Ways New Companies Are Capturing the Growing Senior Market

The Baby Boomer generation is social media savvy and has disposable income, making them a desirable customer base.


5 Ways to Effectively Market to Baby Boomers

With this massive market of consumers, your traditional 500-word brochure may be a much better marketing tactic than a 140-character Tweet.


6 Keys To Unlock The Golden Years

Because after working all your life, you must know how to relax.


This $100 Lifelike Robotic Companion Cat Is a Toy Made for Seniors

It's the first in Hasbro's line of 'companion' pets for the elderly.


This Franchisee is 'Right at Home' in Her Choice of a Business That Delivers Loving Care

Diane Carson battled breast cancer, then set up her business. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, she's spreading the word on offering support to those in need.


In With the Old: Mobile Marketing for Seniors

With more seniors owning mobile devices and using social media, brands need to step up their mobile-marketing game.

Science & Technology

This Standalone Smartwatch Is Designed for Both Children and Senior Citizens

With child-tracking capabilities and a 911 emergency feature, the Burg 31 doesn't need to be tethered to a mobile device in order to place calls or send texts.

Science & Technology

AARP Launches a Tablet Designed for Boomers

The $189 device comes equipped with an easy-to-use interface, larger-than-normal icons and special settings to fix common mishaps instantly.

Growing a Business

Marketing to Seniors: Online Versus Offline

的媒体strategy should you use to attract leading-edge boomers and seniors? Two marketing experts suggest why one method may work better.

Growing a Business

4 Marketing Hazards to Avoid

Don't let a small mistake give you big problems. Here are four missteps that can quickly sabotage your well-crafted boomer and senior marketing campaign.

Growing a Business

5 Predictions for the Senior and Boomer Market

Find out where businesses catering to boomers and seniors could look for opportunities.

Growing a Business

7 Tips for Marketing to Older Audiences

These seven tips can help you differentiate your boomer and senior marketing message from all the other messages flooding the marketplace.