Life Lessons


Here's the Work Help Gen Z Really Needs From Its Parents

"Back in my day ..." workplace advice doesn't cut it any more. If it ever did.

Thought Leaders

3 Lessons I've Learned After Being Fired 3 Times

Little else stokes the entrepreneurial fire hotter than being laid off by an incompetent boss who gets a bonus for reducing costs.

Thought Leaders

4 Business Lessons Gleaned From a Couple Dozen Youthful Street Fights

Always compromise as much as dignity allows but if people are unreasonable, hit where it hurts.

Buying / Investing in Business

What Superheroes Can Teach Us About Investment Strategy

Look past the bodysuits and capes: Heroes hold the key to practical business knowledge whether your market is in Gotham or somewhere a bit closer to home.

Growing a Business

How to Prevent Failing From Staining Your Entrepreneurial Career

Stop crying, learn the lesson, move forward.


"Don't Let Fear Tell You that You Aren't Capable of Doing Something"

Arjun believes that fear is temporary and it's something which doesn't even exist as of now in one's reality but is only a person's perception of the future.

Making a Change

How a Mini-Retirement Brought Meaning to My Life

Stepping away from the corporate rat race can create unimaginable opportunities.


3 Experiences That Changed My World View

There is more to a rich life than what we put on a spreadsheet.


如何促进Self-actualization and Independent Living Among Elders

Often the elderly feel inhibited to go out on their own or are apprehensive of this technologically advanced world.

Thought Leaders

Invaluable Business and Life Lessons I Learned Playing Poker

In life, you have to play the hand you're dealt.


#5 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Game of Football

A successful entrepreneur is one who understands the goals, defines his vision, and envisions a winning strategy.


5 Lessons The Natarajan Brothers Can Teach About Home-grown Success

The life of Natarajan brothers has not one but umpteen lessons for the masses.

Thought Leaders

5 Nuggets of Advice Given to Me by Billionaires

The richest people on the planet seem more interested in meeting a challenge than accumulating redundant wealth.


An Entrepreneur's Journey From Their 20s to 30s

The phase between 20 to 30 years of your age inculcates numerous twists and turns those initially break and mould us but eventually make us shine.


How Getting Rejected at Auditions Got Me Started as an Entrepreneur

Decide what you can begin today and you'll stop worrying about what to do with your life.