
For the First Time Ever, 3-D Printed Pill Receives FDA Approval

Its use case is narrow, but the FDA's stamp of approval could have broader implications for the way we create customized medicine.

Business News

FDA Bans Some Cilantro Imports After Finding Feces and Toilet Paper in Fields

The polarizing plant has been causing stomach illness outbreaks.


FDA Extends Deadlines for Chain Restaurant to Add Calorie Counts to Menus

There's still confusion on what adding calorie counts will actually mean for many food establishments.

Business News

FDA Grants 23andMe Approval to Sell Test for Rare Genetic Condition

It's a small but definite step towards 23andMe's goal of selling DNA kits again.


23andMe's Database of Genetic Information Is Going to Make It Lots of Money

The company just announced a lucrative deal with the biotech firm Genetech, and says many similar deals are in the works.

Business News

U.S. Chain Restaurants Will Be Required to Disclose Calorie Counts on Menus

Sweeping new rules form the FDA aim to make people more aware of the risks of obesity posed by fatty, sugary foods.

Health & Wellness

Google Is Interested in Your Health, But Deterred by Regulations

In an extensive interview with venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page explained why regulations are hampering improvements in health care.


Restaurants Seek Alternatives as FDA's Salt Crackdown Looms

As the FDA prepares new guidelines, restaurants are cutting back on sodium and salt companies are researching alternatives.


FDA Backs Off After Causing Stink Over Cheese Regulations

Recent communication from regulators sparked concerns that the government would ban cheese from being made on wooden shelves.

Business News

When Is Hummus Not Hummus? When Regulators Say So.

Sabra, the popular hummus producer, is pushing the Food and Drug Administration to set a definition for the dip.


Would You Sip on Drinkable Sunscreen?

Gross as it may sounds, a cosmetics company claims to have created a drinkable sunscreen that can block the sun.


FDA Approves First Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arm

The arm allows amputees to perform once impossible tasks, like using a zipper and picking up delicate objects like grapes and eggs.


美国营养标签得到改造,但新的更小ion Won't Be Seen for Years

The FDA's proposed new nutrition labels intend to make healthy shopping easier for families, saving on health-care costs in the long run.

Health & Wellness

In Taking Aim at 23andMe, Regulators Missed the Mark

The controversy over genetic-testing company 23andMe begs the question: Is knowledge really that dangerous?


FDA Ban Is the Final Nail in Trans Fat's Coffin

The FDA's decision to phase out trans fats has been met with little resistance, due to easy substitutes and consensus on the ingredient's unhealthiness.