

Don't Be the 'Next Big' Anything: 4 Tips for Creating Unique Value

Cashing in on a fad is an alluring proposition, but creating a product that customers love has to go deeper.


7 Massively Overhyped Careers to Avoid

Opportunists beware.


Dissecting a Fad: How the Slinky, Mr. Potato Head and Pet Rock Became Crazy Popular

These iconic toys were conceived of by individual inventors and subsequently adored by kids everywhere.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Spot and Capitalize on Trends

The only constant is change. Here's how to maximize profits while rolling with it.


From Bedtime to the Boardroom: Why Storytelling Matters in Business

These innovators are connecting with consumers, colleagues and investors on an emotional level.

Growing a Business

Ladurée's Sweet Ascent: How a Fad Food Is Spawning an International Empire

The Holder family has turned the Parisian bakery Ladurée -- famous for its macarons -- into a global brand that's about to open its first American flagship and venture into ecommerce.


How to Avoid a Franchise Fad

Before sinking your money into a hot franchise concept, make sure it's the real deal -- not a dead duck.

Business News

The New Kid Craze: A Tiny, Squishy Toy in a Plastic Bubble

Pull with mommy bloggers and big-box stores helped an entrepreneur create a new fad. Look out, SillyBandz.