ethical hacking


Conoce al IT Army of Ukraine, el ejército de voluntarios que trabajan para hackear sitios rusos

El llamado al "crowdhacking" fue hecho por el ministro de transformación digital de Ucrania y vaya si ha dado resultado…

Data & Recovery

Meet the IT Army of Ukraine, the army of volunteers working to hack Russian sites

The call for "crowdhacking" was made by Ukraine's minister for digital transformation and boy has it worked...


We Want To Become the Google Of the Cybersecurity Space, Says This Ethical Hacker And Entrepreneur

TAC Security, founded by Trishneet Arora, helps organizations secure their platforms from fraudulent attacks


How a CISO Can Help Achieve Enterprise by Helping the Organisation Achieve "Security Objectives"

A CISO is responsible for executing information security programmes which include security governance, risk & compliance (GRC) policies, standards, leading and coordinating security processes, procedures meant to protect the information assets of an organisation


Tale of a 15-Second Pitch That Left Ex-Cisco Chairman John Chambers Impressed

Lucideus rose $5 Million in Series A funding led by Cisco's Chairman Emeritus, John Chambers from his personal venture arm JC2 Ventures


Cybersecurity Jobs Now at Premium as India Goes Digital

Cybersecurity poses new challenges every minute and to deal with them, curricula need to go through a shift by placing the talents in the right hands