Entrepreneur Mindset


5 Signs That Your Ambition Is Getting in Your Way

Sometimes there's a disconnect between your ambition and your mindset.

Thought Leaders

Has the Word 'Entrepreneur' Lost Its Meaning?

The badge of entrepreneurialism has been hijacked by people who are diluting its importance.

Thought Leaders

Why Ignoring Your Mindset Will Crush Your Business

Having your business strategy laid out is important, but you also need to know and be comfortable with who you are as a person when success comes.

Thought Leaders

The 8 Psychological Truths of Entrepreneurship

The very traits that make a founder successful can become the root cause of their challenges.

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An Entrepreneur's Guide to Better Thinking

Our brains are wired to think in patterns, but it might be hurting your decision-making.


3 CEO-Level Mindsets That Create Freedom and Financial Independence

True freedom means spending time the way you want to spend it and doing what you want to do.


4 Ways to Send Your Perfectionism Packing

As it turns out, these tendencies probably aren't doing you any favors.


3 Mindsets High-Performing Business Leaders Use to Create Growth

Become an effective leader through an optimized mindset, clear values, and a purpose that's bigger than you.

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How to Wake Up Early

Waking up early helps successful entrepreneurs ramp up productivity. Learn how to adjust your schedule so you can get more tasks accomplished each day.

Starting a Business

For Entrepreneurs To Lead Their Businesses To Success, They Should Learn To Get Out Of Their Own Way

Those who find solutions (and not blame other factors) will navigate their teams to success during the most difficult times.

Thought Leaders

15 Entrepreneurs Whose Products Will Make You Feel More Sane

Because who doesn't need that right now?

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How to Project Confidence as an Entrepreneur

In your personal brand, in meetings with clients, in pitches to investors and even when talking to your team, you'll need to learn how to project confidence if you're going to succeed. But how exactly can you do it?

Thought Leaders

The Real Reason Why Most Businesses Fail (And What to Do About It)

The part of our brains with critical thinking skills is turned off - here's what you can do to activate it at will.


Let Go of Assumptions and Reset Your Brand Mindset

Many small businesses make the mistake of trying to please everyone. You can't, so stop trying.


如果你不注意这一点,You're Missing Out on Peak Performance

The flow state results in peak performance, along with increased happiness and fulfillment on the job.