Edward Snowden


El ex analista de la CIA Edward Snowden obtiene la nacionalidad rusa, ¿podría luchar en la guerra en Ucrania?

El hombre que reveló cientos de documentos clasificados que pusieron en jaque al gobierno de los Estados Unidos reside en Rusia desde 2013.

Business News

Edward Snowden Revealed As Secret Participant in the Ceremony That Launched a $2 Billion Private Cryptocurrency

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is revealed to be John Dobbertin, the mysterious sixth participant in the ceremony that created the private cryptocurrency Zcash.

Business News

The Perils of Whistleblowing: My Interview With Edward Snowden

Revealing wrongdoing by the powerful requires absolute moral conviction with fearless disregard for consequences.

Business News

Snowden Is Not Worried About a Trump Presidency

But he acknowledges the fight to ensure people's privacy from government snooping won't get any easier under Trump.

Business News

斯诺登iPhone设计案例to Detect Snooping

It's aimed at journalists discussing sensitive information.

Science & Technology

Case Closed? New iOS 8 Encryption Is Impenetrable to Law Enforcement.

Apple has put police on notice that security on its new phone is so tight, it couldn't extra data even it wanted to cooperate, which is doesn't.

Science & Technology

Why You Should Skip the Password and Try These Things Instead

With Edward Snowden causing a whole lot of hoopla over passwords, here are a few alternatives to keep your company safe and sound.

Science & Technology

Lavabit Founder Developing New Email Encryption Tool to Keep Government Out

Lavabit founder Ladar Levison has teamed up with Silent Circle to launch an innovative, secure email tool called Dark Mail.