Economic Downturn

Growing a Business

5 Smart Moves in Good Times and Not-So-Good Times

The Great Recession panicked many business leaders into rash moves that weakened their companies. Make adjustments but don't abandon what built your brand.

Business Ideas

The Top 10 Small Business Bets, Post-Recession and Next Recession

Industries that perform well in the midst of economic uncertainty do just fine in good times, too.

Starting a Business

Is Romney Right About Startup Rates Dropping? (Opinion)

Republican presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney set fact-checkers scrambling during this week's debate when he stated that new business startups were at 30-year lows.

Real Estate

Small-Business Owners Still Waiting for a Rebound (Opinion)

Business owners have been hit harder than others in the Great Recession, largely due to their greater share of home-equity debt. Here's what's needed for a small-business recovery.

Money & Finance

The Home-Equity Credit Crunch (Opinion)

How home price declines have contributed to tight credit for small businesses.


Will the Economy Make You a Franchise Owner?

The current economic climate has led some folks to explore investing in franchise businesses, and significant numbers of them are willing to dip into personal or retirement savings to make the move.

Growing a Business

Entrepreneurs: Are You a Mover -- Or a Head-Shaker?

The downturn has created two classes of business owners, according to a recent survey. Here's what the movers do that the head-shakers don't.


A 10-Step Double-Dip Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs

What can you do to get ready for another downturn? Here are 10 ideas for how to position your business for success despite tough times.

Buying / Investing in Business

Entrepreneurs Ask: Will the Downturn Ever End?

This week's stock-market crash(es) and downgrading of America's credit rating leave business owners asking: Is this the new normal?


A Historical Perspective

Some of the most innovative ideas have emerged during times of economic duress.