Earned media

Growing a Business

5 Creative Ways to Earn Media Coverage Even When You Don't Have News

Positive, ongoing media coverage is more than just good brand awareness — but most organizations don't have news to share all the time. Marketing and PR teams need to get creative to keep that media coverage coming. Here are a few ideas.


5 Media Kit Examples To Help You Leverage The Power Of Media In Your Branding

Learn from the best and create a media kit that boosts your brand's image and credibility on autopilot. Check out these top five successful media kits that have propelled the growth of their brands' popularity.


Why Maintaining a Strong Media Presence is Key to Succeeding in an Economic Downturn

Companies are announcing mass layoffs due to the current economic climate to increase their runways and cut spend, with many significantly cutting their marketing departments. However, instead of completely eliminating marketing efforts, companies should shift their marketing strategies to focus on earned and owned media coverage as more affordable and effective alternatives to paid advertising.

Growing a Business

How to Make the Most of Your Public Relations

By combining PR with branding, content creation, advertising campaigns and social media outreach, companies can generate marketing results and boost their business growth.


How Paid Media Can Increase Your Brand's Value

In any balanced media strategy, paid media should be included alongside earned and owned media. Whether a brand is large or small, the level of control it affords brand teams, and the affordability of digital media outlets can deliver excellent results.


What Is Earned Media and What Is Its Value?

Earned media coverage is one of the most powerful tools for brands to encourage consumer trust and credibility.


Why Earned Media Is the Best Way to Earn Your Reputation

In today's crowded marketplace, your organization needs to stand out from the crowd.