Digital Currencies

News and Trends

Is it Time for Crypto Exchanges to Move Their HQs Outside India?

Relocating to a new country or offshore wouldn't be an easy task as there would be significant tax and regulatory ramifications

News and Trends

Why Should RBI Consider Digital Currency?

The most undemanding and uninterrupted way of introducing such a venture in India would be to allow the public to open accounts with the central bank

News and Trends

Cryptocurrency Companies Could Find Their Credibility in Bahrain

Bahrain's list of fintech companies will also include cryptocurrency-led firms, who want to establish a proper infrastructure in Bahrain

News and Trends

How 'Digital' is Helping you Travel Light

As per a report of eMarketer, global digital travel was a roughly $ 565 billion market in 2016, with sales expected to top $817 billion by 2020

Business News

The Risks and Benefits of Digital Currency

Cryptocurrencies are a speculative investment now but the blockchain technology that underpins them seems certain to have major implications.


Going Mainstream: A Real Estate Development In Dubai Is Offering Bitcoin-Priced Properties

British entrepreneurs Michelle Mone and Douglas Barrowman have launched a bitcoin-priced residential and commercial development in Dubai.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Anymore

Digital currencies just keep gaining steam.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

6 Cryptocurrencies You Should Know About (and None of Them Are Bitcoin)

How digital, international currency makes business easier than ever.


#8 Reasons Why Bitcoin is Better than Conventional Currency

Bitcoin is nothing but a virtual currency or a medium of conducting digital transactions, just like any other digital currency.


India's Demonetization Drive a Hit or a Miss? India's Economic Survey Outlines Picture

Growth slowed as demonetization reduced demand, supply and increased uncertainty the Survey says.


Formal Financial Services to Benefit from Demonetization - Uday Kotak

"Risk management the single most important factor in financial services."

News and Trends

5 Sectors That Will Feel The Pinch of INR 500/1000 Tender Ban

To bring hard earned savings into open and pour into bank accounts could have a severe effect on the consumerism of some of these sectors in India.

Business News

Billionaire Investor Draper Leads $4.2 Million Funding in Blockchain Startup

The blockchain technology startup powers the digital currency bitcoin and enables data-sharing across a network of individual computers.


Closing the Digital Divide – Technology as the New Fountain of Youth

Data proves online interaction/engagement improves overall quality of life