communication skills

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Resumes & Interviewing

Advance Your Career by Improving Communication Skills in the Workplace

Employers look for job candidates with exceptional communication. Invest in your career and increase your confidence by developing your communication skills.


Resumes & Interviewing

Advance Your Career by Improving Communication Skills in the Workplace

Employers look for job candidates with exceptional communication. Invest in your career and increase your confidence by developing your communication skills.


Use This Leadership Skill to Increase Your Social Awareness at Work

Interpersonal intelligence means knowing when to speak up and when to listen.

Thought Leaders

3 Great Avenues for CEOs Seeking Help

You're never too experienced or accomplished to ask for advice or support, and as a chief executive, there are three main sources that can always be relied upon.


Become a Better Communicator and Public Speaker

Learn how to create better presentations faster and deliver them better.


The 3 Words Every Leader Should Banish From His (or Her) Vocabulary

Want to gain more influence with your team and customers? Then cut these three loaded terms from your comments completely.

Social Media

Why Political Parties are Bothered about Social Media Sentiments? Has Technology Played a Role

复杂的机器学习(ML)算法s can be used to automatically assign a mood label to individual posts depending on the purpose of analysis


Entrepreneurship, a Profession of Choice for Generation Y

Millennials are people who never want to follow the typical paths, they rather believe in creating their own paths

manbet 万博亚洲

What Do Employers Mean by 'Good Communication Skills'?

Some work-place communication hygiene checks can help make us more effective communicators

Thought Leaders

Want to Improve Your Communication Skills? Stop Saying These 25 Words.

Stop saying these words in the office. You'll improve your communication skills and your coworkers will thank you.

News and Trends

Are Language Learning Apps the New Teachers of the Era?

Language apps are not replacements for a teacher (yet), but can still help people achieve a lot in learning a new language

Growing a Business

12 Most Common Writing Mistakes You Want to Avoid at All Costs

Some writing errors undermine your business credibility.


#7 Reasons How Travelling Can Make You a Better Entrepreneur

Travelling makes you push your limits, throws tougher situations in your face and forces you to give up bad habits