Charity - Page: 9

Are Millennials the Most Generous Generation?

Millennials are driving crowdfunding, but disrupting the global market for charitable giving.

Andre Bourque

Andre Bourque

Goodwill & Charity: There's an App for That!

Using innovative approaches to donations and charity, these apps have moved on from traditional emotional appeal based requests

Rustam Singh

Rustam Singh

Failure of Stewardship Was at the Heart of Wounded Warrior Project Firings

The ousted charity leaders never provided the structures and controls needed to be protectors of the generosity coming their way.

Ray Hennessey

Ray Hennessey

$2 Billion Has Been Raised on GoFundMe

It took the personal crowdfunding site five years go get to the first billion-dollar mark and only nine months to hit that second billion.

Catherine Clifford

Catherine Clifford

5 Ways to Integrate Social Good Into Your Business

Customers today are more likely to do business with socially responsible companies that reflect their personal values.

Stacey Horowitz

Stacey Horowitz

How to Create a Giveback Program Without Breaking the Bank

Doing good is good for business. Here are the steps to make social consciousness part of your company.

Michelle Goodman

Michelle Goodman

Uber Could Bring You a Car Full of Puppies Next Week

Our tails are already wagging with excitement.

Carly Okyle

Carly Okyle

How to Find and Offer Volunteer Opportunities to Your Employees

It's worth understanding how your company as a whole will also benefit from volunteer programs for several reasons.

Scott Langdon

Scott Langdon

This Surprising Customer Service Exchange Has Gone Viral

When a Zulilly shopper wanted to return a winter coat, she got an answer she didn't expect.

Carly Okyle

Carly Okyle

What Will You Do When You Don't Win the Powerball?

All the things you would do if you suddenly came into millions are actually within your grasp right now. Go for them.

Ray Hennessey

Ray Hennessey

Study: Most of the World's Richest Philanthropists Are Self-Made

A snapshot of the ultra high net worth individuals are who are giving their wealth away and where they are giving it.

Catherine Clifford

Catherine Clifford

Charitable Gifts Don't Have to Be Boring

Here's how a few companies are successfully touting fun gifts with purpose in 2015.

Coppy Holzman

Coppy Holzman