Business process

Business Process

这一策略You Need to Make Sure Your Company Can Keep Up in Today's Business World

Discover a superior alternative to a traditional business strategy that prioritizes adaptability, innovation and speed in execution, explores its benefits for entrepreneurs, see real-world scenarios and learn core principles and rules to propel organizations forward with clarity, simplicity and action.

Starting a Business

Starting a New Venture? Don't Make These Research Mistakes.

If you're thinking about launching a novel product or starting a business, you first need to test your assumptions. While traditional product research usually falls short of providing actionable insights in the discovery phase, there are easy ways to tweak it to get the data you need.


How to Embrace the Unknown and Pivot Your Business in a Volatile Economy

As the business world faces a period of profound growth and change, here are three suggestions to ensure you continue to evolve to better serve your customers.

Business Process

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Selling Your Business

Answering these questions honestly will help ensure that you get the most value for your life's work.

Growing a Business

What You Need to Know About Building a Small Business Advisory Board (and Why You Need One)

Too many business owners have siloed mindsets: They think they must do everything — and know everything — themselves. It's just not possible. Here's why you should create an advisory board and whom you should invite to join it.

Starting a Business

Facing Financial Trouble? Understand the Difference Between Insolvency, Liquidation, Bankruptcy and Administration

Learn the differences between insolvency, liquidation, bankruptcy and administration.


Dear Business Owners: It's Time to Work on Your Business, Not in It

It's really easy for business owners to get lost in the day-to-day of running a business. If that's you, here's why you need to take a step back and work on the big picture instead.

Starting a Business

Building a Business? Here Are 4 Common Challenges You'll Likely Face Along the Way

When launching a startup, knowing where the hurdles are makes it much easier to clear them.


5 Ways Automation Can Help You Manage Your Team

When it comes to running a business, managing a team is not always the most alluring part. Implement automation to help with the stresses of a business.


If Your Strategic Plan Is Failing, You Might Want to Look in the Mirror

If all you're doing as a leader is putting out fires, then you're not making time for the fire prevention process of strategic planning — and you're losing numerous opportunities to build your organization.