brand management

5 Steps for Making Your Brand Identity More Consistent

Use these steps to get your branding identity back on course to projecting a clear and concise message.

Raubi Marie Perilli

Raubi Marie Perilli

15 Tips for Livening Up Things When Your Brand Is Getting Stale

Have a plan for what you will do when what you're doing stops getting results.

John Boitnott

John Boitnott

7 Gauges to Monitor on Your Brand-Expansion Dashboard

Making a name for yourself means you have to stay on top of your game.

Pete Canalichio

Pete Canalichio

6 Tools for Monitoring Your Online Reputation

You worked hard to build a good reputation. Your detractors don't need to do nearly as much to damage it.

Alexa Matia

Alexa Matia

The Tactics That Have Gained Donald Trump a Horde of Loyal Followers

Follow these strategies to help stimulate engagement, loyalty and ultimately sales.

Mark Harrington

Mark Harrington

Finding Employee Brand Evangelists

The best people to speak for your company may already be on your payroll.

Derek Newton

Derek Newton

4 Ways to Protect Your Brand Without Involving the Courts

Take action on addressing any negative reviews of your brand or business.

Steve Cook

Steve Cook

5 Crisis Management Tips for Your Digital Brand

Brands can be destroyed in hours. Remember: You're not the story.

Derek Newton

Derek Newton

Where Your Marketing Team Must Focus to Build an Enduring Brand

Brands that achieve long-term success have a vision and culture of accountability that begins at the top.

Carolina Rogoll

Carolina Rogoll