Boston Dynamics


Atlas, el robot de Boston Dynamics, ya sabe dar volteretas y hacer parkour

La creación robótica de la empresa cautiva con sus ágiles movimientos que emulan a los de un (¡ágil) ser humano.


La empresa de robótica Boston Dynamics promete no equipar con armas a sus creaciones

Se le unen otras cuatro compañías preocupadas por el uso que los consumidores le puedan dar a los sofisticados robots.

Business News

Give Them the Gold Medal! Watch These Robots Backflip and Balance Beam in Sync in Fascinating Video

Boston Dynamics and Atlas have put two robots on a Parkour mission.


¡Dales la medalla de oro! Mire estos robots backflip y Balance Beam sincronizados en un video fascinante

Boston Dynamics y Atlas han puesto dos robots en una misión de Parkour.

Business News

"Creepy" Video of Robots Dancing Causes Internet Frenzy -- And Even Elon Musk is Weighing In

A new video of a dancing robot by Boston Dynamics went viral on Twitter this week.

Business News

Watch Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Do Parkour

Boston Dynamics' humanoid robot has a new skill: parkour, the act of getting from point A to B in the fastest way possible. Watch as it hops over a large log before gracefully scaling three 15-inch offset platforms with ease.

Business News

How Much Is That Robo-Doggy in the Window?

You, yes you, can soon adopt The Terminator's poodle!