24/7 Tech

Science & Technology

Steve Wozniak: The Future of AI Is 'Scary and Very Bad for People'

"Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on?" the Apple co-founder asks.


How Technology Is Revolutionizing the Franchise World

If franchises aren't stepping up their tech game, they're missing out.

Science & Technology

This Handy Robot Holds a Pen and Writes Exactly Like You Do

No time to write out letters and thank you cards? Leave it to a bot named Bond.


This Free App Promises to Build You the Perfect Party Playlist

DJ-51 analyzes the Spotify accounts of your guests to play songs that don't harsh anyone's mellow.


3 Money-Saving Apps That Won't Cost You a Dime

Tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck? These free digital tools can help you save money and get a better handle on your finances.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Elon Musk: Human-Driven Cars Might Someday Be Banned

The visionary entrepreneur later backpedaled on his bold claim about the future of transportation.

Science & Technology

Star Wars + Drones = Dreams Come True

When every day humans can make the Millenium Falcon fly, that's a good thing.