Coronavirus and a Looming Recession: How to Raise Capital in Uncertain TimesHere's how to raise capital when things get challenging.

ByAlex GoldOriginally published

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

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For the past decade, we have been in the midst of thebiggest economic expansionin American history with unemployment at ahistoric low of 3.6%.

Naturally, during periods of economic expansion, raising capital for a startup or new business is easier. Investors areincentivized to plow capitalinto nascent businesses because both the prospect of return is higher in comparison to other investment opportunities and the downside risk is lessened because of target customer spending and capital replenishment. If the "times are good," investors generally know that even if founders make mistakes, they will have ample chances and opportunities to correct them.

But what happens when the market turns and we enter a recession? Or something unexpected, a so-called, "Black Swan" event like the Coronavirus upends global markets? How do entrepreneurs raise capital in when this happens?

This is a good question since most of the articles you will read about raising capital were written during times of economic expansion. Most likely, during the past decade. Admittedly, even my own experience raising capital dates to just the past 10 years. I was too young to experience theDot Com Bubbleand was insulated at law school during theGreat Recession. More importantly, many of the entrepreneurs raising capital today have never experienced a recession either because they are too young or because it's been quite some time since we've had one here in the United States.

Related:The Basics of Raising Capital for a Startup

To say that most entrepreneurs may be unprepared for this eventuality is an understatement. Last week, I was sitting down with an entrepreneur whose valuation was aggressively high, even by the standards of 2019's booming economy. When I asked him about his plans for the next round, he admitted that his future valuation in successive rounds was based on a strong economy and that "downside protection wasn't necessary — I just can't see the point in dwelling on it."

I disagree. Strongly.

Entrepreneurs need to prepare for a recession and need to know how to raise capital in a down market. One of the best ways to do so is to prepare beforehand. When the economy is strong, you have the most options. Exploit them.

Even if you are prepared, raising capital in a down market can be incredibly challenging and even confusing. First, entrepreneurs need to prepare beforehand by establishing a clear defensive moat around their business metrics with a strong focus on profitability. Investors respond positively to this in down periods given that so many of their other portfolio companies face significant threats.

Second, entrepreneurs should be flexible on terms and valuations understanding one important fact: capital is more important than anything else. Even if entrepreneurs need to take a lower valuation with more dilution than they anticipated, it shouldn't matter.

Be proactive. Prepare beforehand. Focus on profitability.

At my company's Demo Day five years ago, an over-eager investor came up to me asking, "What are the hot companies? I will write the check now." I pointed to a company that now has a significant television presence. The investor immediately went over and invested $100,000.

No diligence. No conversation. Nothing.

Although this is an aberration, it illustrates an important point: when the economy is strong, raising capital can be incredibly easy.

But in a recession, it can get tough. That's why the best thing to do is to shore up your position when the economy is roaring so that you are best prepared.

Related:How to Raise Money Even When You Don't Have 'Traction'

The first thing to do is to ensure that you have astrong cash positionwith clear runway to ride out a storm. Be relentless in your focus oncutting costsandstreamlining operations. Eliminate side projects, new ventures, or otherunder-performing business unitsthat are not contributing to the core value of your company's product.Restructure personnelso you can focus all of your colleagues to perform at thetop of their professionor license. Additionally, understanding whether you are"default alive" or "default dead"is another good way to measure the health and liquidity of your company.

Secondly, you should seek to get toprofitability— by any means possible. In strong economic times, profitability is prized by investors because it indicates thehealth of a businesswith or without venture investment. In a down economy, when growth and profitability are ever more scarce, having a business in the black can place you in a very small elite set of entrepreneurs.

There are numerous ways of reaching profitability. One particular focus should be on the margins of the cost of delivery of your product. Take a hard look at the unit cost of delivery of your product or service and make adjustments as necessary. Further, you can cutsales and marketing expendituresin order to immediately put your business in the black. While you may be sacrificing growth by cutting marketing expenses, the decision may be warranted given the nature of the economy and what's best for your business.

Accept more dilution to survive

When raising capital, entrepreneurs and investors often negotiate over thevaluation of the business. Investors are trying to minimize the valuation in order to maximize their percentage ownership while entrepreneurs are trying to maximize valuation in order to minimize their relative dilution.

In a strong economy, entrepreneurs usually have the upper hand as valuations are being driven up across the board and investors have less power in negotiations. Conversely, in a down economy, investors often have the upper hand as there is less capital swirling through the market.

Related:5 Steps to Raise Startup and Expansion Capital

狗万官方企业家需要适应accepting a lower valuation, and thus moreownership dilution, in a recession. This is especially acute when a business has a short runway of capital and needs an infusion of investment to survive. In this predicament, entrepreneurs will usually take whatever lifeline they can get.

What entrepreneurs need to focus on is the end goal; the survival and eventual successful exit of their business. Recessions arecyclical by natureand entrepreneurs can make up for lost value at successive rounds once the economy improves. More importantly, the discipline taught during these periods can make for massive financial returns down the road.

If you can't raise capital today, do what you can to survive till tomorrow

During a recession, raising venture capital becomes significantly more challenging. If you find yourself in a position where you need to raise capital in a down market, there are a few key lessons you can take to heart. First, you should do whatever you can to cut costs and preserve liquidity in your company. Second, you should focus on achieving profitability. Lastly, you should be comfortable accepting more dilution in ownership.

Wavy Line
Alex Gold

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor

Founder & General Partner, Harvest Venture Partners

亚历克斯黄金的创始人和普通合伙人哈rvest Venture Partners, an early-stage venture firm building breakthrough financial-technology businesses. Previously, Gold was the co-founder and chief marketing officer at Myia Health and Venture Partner at BCG Digital Ventures.

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