Resumes & Interviewing

Trying to navigate the hiring process? Whether you're the employer or the applicant, get the scoop on interviewing skills, resume tools and more, here.


Are Job Titles Losing Their Meaning? How Job-Title Inflation Could Damage Your Future Career.

When a job title is upgraded without raising the associated responsibilities and requirements, this is called job title inflation.


A Former NFL Plays Says 'Indentity Shifting' Is the Key to Success

On the latest episode of The Jeff Fenster Show, Anthony Trucks says you need to change how you think about yourself to change your fortune.


He Was Sentenced to 65 Years In Prison, But the 'Coffee Bean' Message Turned His Life Around

How former a former star college QB went from a prisoner to a bestselling author and keynote speaker.

More Posts on Resumes & Interviewing

Business Culture

What Is the 'Coffee Cup Test'? Watch Out For This Tricky Interview Trend.

Some people find this recent hiring trend impractical, while others think it's a sign of character. Either way, here's what you should know about it.


10 Ways to Show You're Ready For a Promotion With Your Resume

Are you eyeing that next step up the corporate ladder with a better title and a fatter paycheck? If so, it's time to spotlight your leadership skills and growth trajectory.


The Hidden Dangers of 'Rage Applying' and How to Spot the Warning Signs, According to a Veteran Career Coach

Donna Shannon, founder and president of Personal Touch Career Services, reveals how to improve your work situation the right way.


The Ultimate Guide on How to Prepare for a Job Interview

Navigate your next job interview with ease. Get prepared with our ultimate guide covering questions, body language and post-interview etiquette.


How to Dress for an Interview: Do's and Don'ts to Impress

Master the do's and don'ts of dressing for an interview. Impress your potential employer and create a lasting first impression with the right interview attire.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Landed Your Dream Job? Here's How to Master the Art of Job Offer Negotiations

Congratulations! You landed the job after a grueling interview process. Typically, a new job is a cause for celebration. But, it can also be stressful considering salary, benefits and more.

Resumes & Interviewing

This AI Resume Tool is Only $29.97 So You Can Make Job-Hunting Easier

Expand your growth potential with this back-to-school sale.


5 Ways to Turn Rejection Into Resilience

As I've built my company, I've grown a much thicker skin when it comes to rejection — and so can you. Here's how.

Resumes & Interviewing

How to Respond to Strengths and Weaknesses Questions During a Job Interview

Learn what interviewers look for when they ask about your strengths and weaknesses.


5 Career-Boosting Tips If You Are Considering a New Job In 2023

Unlock the best ways to thrive in the evolving job market with these essential career-enhancing tips.