Vickram Agarwal

Founder of Daddy’s Digest

Vickram Agarwal is a digital and technology entrepreneur who foundedDaddy’s Digest, an online platform that bridges the parenting gap through the creation of expert and user generated content. Raised in India and the Middle East, educated in the UK, he started his marketing career with General Motors in Dubai.

In 2011, he founded Stroke Consulting, a strategy and digital marketing consultancy with a client portfolio that included brands like GMC, Chevrolet, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Fiat, Abarth, Opel and MasterCard. In 2019, he moved to Canada with his wife and daughter and took the helm of theBlack Rock Marketing Groupas Partner & Managing Director.

More recently, he is the newly appointed Vice President of Marketing at Credit Canada, the country’s first and longest-standing non-profit credit counselling agency. Their mission is to help people get out of debt so they can get back into


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