Tiana Burse


Tiana Burse is a serial entrepreneur and brand specialist. She is the CEO and co-founder of DMP & Associates, a consulting agency. Burse is mostly known from her widely popular online show calledHustle Season.


Science & Technology

What Metaverse Companies Need to Succeed

Big tech has already invested billions in the concept.


Lo que las empresas de metaverso necesitan para tener éxito

La gran tecnología ya ha invertido miles de millones en el concepto.

Health & Wellness

How to Bounce Back and Reinvent Your Post-Pandemic Self

These four strategies will help you emerge stronger from the 2020 train wreck.


Cómo recuperarse y reinventar su yo pospandémico

Estas cuatro estrategias te ayudarán a salir más fuerte del choque de trenes de 2020.

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