
Finance Enthusiast

史蒂文·考夫曼, CPA, MsEDE, is a finance enthusiast and the founder and Chief Acceleration Officer of Zeus Trust Company, which operates a real estate crowdfunding platform under the brand ZeusCrowdFunding.com, and a long-term lending platform under the brand Zeus Mortgage Bank. Kaufman is frequently interviewed on current financial markets by local and national news organizations such as FOX, ABC, CBS, CNN and Bloomberg. He completed the Strategic Marketing Management Program at Harvard Business School and has a master's degree in economic development and entrepreneurship from the University of Houston.

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Want a Career in Real Estate? Don't Go to College.

A degree is way too expensive, gives you a false sense of security and actually eliminates opportunities you can get in the real world.

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It's never a perfect time to dive into the market for the first time, but these four simple rules will help you when you do.

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Don't just dive in. Carefully assess your financial goals first.