Ramon Ray

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor
Founder, ZoneofGenius.com

Ramon Ray is unapologetically positive and the founder of www.ZoneofGenius.com; 5x serial entrepreneur; and 3 companies. Ramon is an in-demand motivational speaker and small business success influencer and event host. He's written 5 books, including, "Celebrity CEO" (about personal branding).


Growing a Business

4 Ways to Stop Getting Distracted and Start Hitting Goals

Needless diversions can limit your business's growth -- here's how to avoid them.

Estrategias de crecimiento

4 formas de dejar de distraerse y comenzar a alcanzar metas

Las desviaciones innecesarias pueden limitar el crecimiento de su negocio; a continuación, le mostramos cómo evitarlas.


Should You Attend a Retreat or a Mastermind?

Practical tips to help you decide which peer-to-peer gathering is best for your business, and yourself.


¿Deberías asistir a un retiro o una mente maestra?

Consejos prácticos para ayudarlo a decidir qué reunión entre pares es mejor para su empresa y para usted.

Growing a Business

How to Maximize Your Success on Clubhouse

Audio-only apps are relatively new, but they're worth the investment of time.


Cómo maximizar su éxito en la casa club

Las aplicaciones de solo audio son relativamente nuevas, pero vale la pena invertir tiempo.

