Kimberly de Silva


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Business News

The Best Apps to Transform You Into a Productive Small-Business Owner

与这些mobile apps, your small business will be ready for anything that gets thrown its way.

Business News

Lessons Small-Business Owners Can Learn From Historical Leaders

History has given us great personalities who went on to become famous leaders. The times they lived in might be different from ours, but their message still holds relevance.

Business News

5 Ways to Make Your Customers Say 'WOW'

Here is some inspiration that might help you to develop your own WOW factor.

Business News

Why Customer Experience Is Your Key to Success

According to research, 70 percent of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they're being treated.

Business News

How to Use Micro-Influencers for Your Small Business

According to Twitter research, 49 percent of consumers seek purchase guidance from social media influencers.