Entrepreneur: Latest from Kieran Powell https://www.狗万官方entrepreneur.com/author/kieran-powell The latest articles written by Kieran Powell you'll find only on Entrepreneur https://assets.entrepreneur.com/static/20180424102507-entrepreneur-logo-black.svg Entrepreneur: Latest from Kieran Powell //www.www69www.com en-us Copyright 2023 Entrepreneur.com Inc., All rights reserved Entrepreneur.com webmaster@entrepreneur.com (webmaster) 5 Business Tue, 05 Oct 2021 12:00:00 GMT Tue, 05 Oct 2021 12:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[How to Create a Meaningful Marketing Strategy]]> Translate business goals into marketing goals, and have fun with marketing strategy. Tue, 05 Oct 2021 12:00:00 GMT Kieran Powell en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/how-to-create-a-meaningful-marketing-strategy/385177//www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/how-to-create-a-meaningful-marketing-strategy/385177 Growing a Business courtneyk | Getty Images <![CDATA[Cómo crear una estrategia de marketing significativa]]> Traduzca los objetivos comerciales en objetivos de marketing y diviértase con la estrategia de marketing. Tue, 05 Oct 2021 12:00:00 GMT Kieran Powell es 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/es/marketing/como-crear-una-estrategia-de-marketing-significativa/408447//www.www69www.com/es/marketing/como-crear-una-estrategia-de-marketing-significativa/408447 Marketing courtneyk | Getty Images <![CDATA[How to Maximize Your Company's Value Through Marketing]]> Entrepreneurs can utilize marketing to influence their goals and optimize the value of their company. Sun, 09 May 2021 15:00:00 GMT Kieran Powell en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/how-to-maximize-your-companys-value-through-marketing/368529//www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/how-to-maximize-your-companys-value-through-marketing/368529 Marketing Klaus Vedfelt | Getty Images <![CDATA[Cómo maximizar el valor de su empresa a través del marketing]]> Los emprendedores pueden utilizar el marketing para influir en sus objetivos y optimizar el valor de su empresa. Sun, 09 May 2021 15:00:00 GMT Kieran Powell es 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/es/marketing/como-maximizar-el-valor-de-su-empresa-a-traves-del/406030//www.www69www.com/es/marketing/como-maximizar-el-valor-de-su-empresa-a-traves-del/406030 Marketing Klaus Vedfelt | Getty Images <![CDATA[Turn Marketing Goals Into Wins for Your Business]]> Three strategies to help you convert business goals into substantive marketing goals Tue, 12 Jan 2021 20:33:00 GMT Kieran Powell en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/turn-marketing-goals-into-wins-for-your-business/361460//www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/turn-marketing-goals-into-wins-for-your-business/361460 Marketing Alan Thornton | Getty Images <![CDATA[Convierta los objetivos de marketing en ganancias para su negocio]]> Tres estrategias para ayudarlo a convertir los objetivos comerciales en objetivos sustantivos de marketing Tue, 12 Jan 2021 20:33:00 GMT Kieran Powell es 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/es/marketing/convierta-los-objetivos-de-marketing-en-ganancias-para-su/404810//www.www69www.com/es/marketing/convierta-los-objetivos-de-marketing-en-ganancias-para-su/404810 Marketing Alan Thornton | Getty Images