Entrepreneur: Latest from Julia McCoy //www.www69www.com/author/julia-mccoy The latest articles written by Julia McCoy you'll find only on Entrepreneur https://assets.entrepreneur.com/static/20180424102507-entrepreneur-logo-black.svg Entrepreneur: Latest from Julia McCoy //www.www69www.com en-us Copyright 2023 Entrepreneur.com Inc., All rights reserved Entrepreneur.com webmaster@entrepreneur.com (webmaster) 5 Business Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:00:00 GMT Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:00:00 GMT <![CDATA[Cómo formar una voz y un tono claros para su marca]]> La voz de su marca es su medio para crear una conexión auténtica con su audiencia. Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:00:00 GMT Julia McCoy es 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/es/marketing/como-formar-una-voz-y-un-tono-claros-para-su-marca/422941//www.www69www.com/es/marketing/como-formar-una-voz-y-un-tono-claros-para-su-marca/422941 Marketing 10'000 Hours | Getty Images <![CDATA[How to Form a Clear Voice and Tone for Your Brand]]> Your brand voice is your means to creating an authentic connection with your audience. Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:00:00 GMT Julia McCoy en 狗万官方 https://www.狗万官方entrepreneur.com/starting-a-business/how-to-form-a-clear-voice-and-tone-for-your-brand/399452https://www.狗万官方entrepreneur.com/starting-a-business/how-to-form-a-clear-voice-and-tone-for-your-brand/399452 Branding 10'000 Hours | Getty Images <![CDATA[¿Vale la pena un título en marketing en la década de 2020?]]> Cinco factores internos a considerar antes de comprometerse. Thu, 03 Feb 2022 18:00:00 GMT Julia McCoy es 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/es/marketing/vale-la-pena-un-titulo-en-marketing-en-la-decada-de/416805//www.www69www.com/es/marketing/vale-la-pena-un-titulo-en-marketing-en-la-decada-de/416805 Marketing Aramyan | Getty Images <![CDATA[Is a Marketing Degree Worth It in the 2020s?]]> Five insider factors to consider before committing. Thu, 03 Feb 2022 18:00:00 GMT Julia McCoy en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/living/is-a-marketing-degree-worth-it-in-the-2020s/398846//www.www69www.com/living/is-a-marketing-degree-worth-it-in-the-2020s/398846 Career Aramyan | Getty Images <![CDATA[Por qué debería escribir un libro para desarrollar su marca]]> Ahora es el mejor momento para construir su marca y su autoridad dentro de su industria mediante la publicación de un libro. Thu, 26 Aug 2021 19:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy es 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/es/estrategias-de-crecimiento/por-que-deberia-escribir-un-libro-para-desarrollar-su/407629//www.www69www.com/es/estrategias-de-crecimiento/por-que-deberia-escribir-un-libro-para-desarrollar-su/407629 Estrategias de crecimiento Bongkarn Thanyakij | EyeEm | Getty Imagea <![CDATA[Why You Should Write a Book to Build Your Brand]]> Now is the best time to build your brand and your authority within your industry by publishing a book. Thu, 26 Aug 2021 19:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/why-you-should-write-a-book-to-build-your-brand/378253//www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/why-you-should-write-a-book-to-build-your-brand/378253 Growing a Business Bongkarn Thanyakij | EyeEm | Getty Imagea <![CDATA[Today's Redefined Workspaces: 5 Companies Allowing Employees to Work From Home]]> In the face of a global pandemic, 88 percent of companies redefined their workspace and required or encouraged staff to work from home. Thu, 01 Jul 2021 19:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/todays-redefined-workspaces-5-companies-allowing/366294//www.www69www.com/growing-a-business/todays-redefined-workspaces-5-companies-allowing/366294 Growing a Business Shutterstock <![CDATA[AI & GPT-3 in Content Creation: How Will This Affect Your Job as a Writer?]]> 人类的作家总是在内容creation. But how does the new GPT-3 really fit into online writing? 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Fri, 18 Jun 2021 17:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/leadership/5-lessons-you-can-learn-from-some-of-the-worlds-best/372683//www.www69www.com/leadership/5-lessons-you-can-learn-from-some-of-the-worlds-best/372683 Business Culture Paras Griffin | Stringer | Getty Images <![CDATA[5 lecciones que puede aprender de algunas de las mejores empresarias del mundo]]> Obtenga información de Rihanna y Whitney Wolfe Herd. Fri, 18 Jun 2021 17:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy es 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/es/mujeres-emprendedoras/5-lecciones-que-puede-aprender-de-algunas-de-las-mejores/406734//www.www69www.com/es/mujeres-emprendedoras/5-lecciones-que-puede-aprender-de-algunas-de-las-mejores/406734 Mujeres emprendedoras Paras Griffin | Stringer | Getty Images <![CDATA[Do You Need College to Be Successful?]]> There are other paths to success, and these tips can help you achieve it regardless of your formal education. Wed, 26 May 2021 18:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/starting-a-business/do-you-need-college-to-be-successful/368207//www.www69www.com/starting-a-business/do-you-need-college-to-be-successful/368207 Starting a Business Ungureanu Vadim | EyeEm | Getty Images <![CDATA[This Mayan Beekeeper Formed a Swarm of Environmentalists to Combat the Growth of Genetically Modified Plants in Her Native Mexico]]> When Leydy Pech saw what was happening to the agricultural balance and the beekeeping community, she decided to take a stand to protect her people, her land and her bees. Thu, 20 May 2021 20:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/leadership/this-mayan-beekeeper-formed-a-swarm-of-environmentalists-to/366291//www.www69www.com/leadership/this-mayan-beekeeper-formed-a-swarm-of-environmentalists-to/366291 Leadership Goldman Environmental Prize <![CDATA[Este apicultor maya formó un enjambre de ambientalistas para combatir el crecimiento de plantas modificadas genéticamente en su México natal]]> Cuando Leydy Pech vio lo que estaba sucediendo con el equilibrio agrícola y la comunidad apícola, decidió tomar una posición para proteger a su gente, su tierra y sus abejas. Thu, 20 May 2021 20:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy es 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/es/liderazgo/este-apicultor-maya-formo-un-enjambre-de-ambientalistas/405577//www.www69www.com/es/liderazgo/este-apicultor-maya-formo-un-enjambre-de-ambientalistas/405577 Liderazgo Goldman Environmental Prize <![CDATA[From Facebook to Apple: 6 Unique, Scalable Culture Traits of Top Big Tech Companies]]> Here are six unique Big Tech corporate culture traits that can also help small businesses to succeed. Fri, 02 Apr 2021 16:30:00 GMT Julia McCoy en 狗万官方 //www.www69www.com/science-technology/from-facebook-to-apple-6-unique-scalable-culture-traits/365731//www.www69www.com/science-technology/from-facebook-to-apple-6-unique-scalable-culture-traits/365731 Science & Technology MLADEN ANTONOV | Getty Images