Jonathan Small

Entrepreneur Staff
Editor in Chief of Green Entrepreneur

Jonathan Small is editor-in-chief ofGreen Entrepreneur, a vertical from Entrepreneur Media focused on the intersection of sustainability and business. He is also an award-winning journalist, producer, and podcast host of the upcoming True Crime series, Dirty Money, andWrite About Nowpodcasts. Jonathan is the founder ofStrike Fire Productions, a premium podcast production company. He had held editing positions atGlamour,Stuff,Fitness, andTwistMagazines. His stories have appeared inThe New York Times, TV Guide,Cosmo,Details, andGood Housekeeping. Previously, Jonathan served as VP of Content for the GSN (the Game Show Network), where he produced original digital video series.

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Business News

New Luxury Space Capsule Takes Passengers to Edge of Earth's Atmosphere — Where They Can Enjoy Cocktails and Killer Views

The net-zero Spaceship Neptune ascends 100,000 feet into the sky via SpaceBalloon. Trips are sold out until 2025.


Escritora finge suicidio y vuelve dos años después. ¿Fue todo una estrategia de marketing?

La familia de la escritora de novelas románticas, Susan Meachen, anunció su muerte por suicidio en 2020, pero la autora apareció de nuevo en Facebook a principios de esta semana. El mundo editorial está indignado.

Business News

Author Fakes Suicide And Returns Two Years Later. Was It All a Marketing Ploy?

Romance writer Susan Meachen's family announced her death by suicide in 2020, but the author popped up on Facebook earlier this week. The book world is outraged.

Business News

Tech CEO Arrested for Peeping on Customer in Panera Bread Bathroom. 'He Stuck His Head Underneath the Stall to Look at Her.'

California Police apprehended Eduardo Moreno, 35, the CEO of SeaDrone, for Peeping Tom crimes at Panera Bread in Silicon Valley.


La mayoría de los propósitos de Año Nuevo fallan — pero aquí hay 5 consejos que te ayudarán a cumplirlos

Muchos de nosotros fijamos objetivos poco realistas o vagos para el 2023 a los que renunciamos demasiado rápido. Esto es lo que la ponente de Ted Talks, Amy Morin, dice que hacer para cumplirlos.

Green Entrepreneur

Walking in Memphis? Don't Bother — These Are the 5 Best (and Worst) Cities to Live Without a Car in 2023.

A new survey ranked the 200 best and worst cities to live without wheels. Some of the results are surprising.