Joel Holland

Joel Holland, 25, is the founder and CEO of Footage Firm in Reston, Va.

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Starting a Business

The No-Exit Strategy

Sure, Duke Chung was tempted by a buyout offer. But he knew that he was worth much more. (He was right.)

Starting a Business

Finding a Business in Jumping the Line

Hate standing in line? So did two Babson College roommates -- until they built a business on how to avoid them.

Thought Leaders

College Startup Success Story, Revisited

Garrett Camp sold StumbleUpon for a reported $75 million a year after graduation. Then he bought it back.

Starting a Business

Reinventing the Wheels

Getaround combines the car rental business with mobile technology and environmental awareness.

Business Ideas

I'm an Entrepreneur; Get Me Out of Here!

Today's episode: How to turn a class project into a multimillion-dollar business. (No degree required.)

Starting a Business

Risk it When You're Young

为什么你商店uldn't wait to start your business: You may never get back to it.