Jacob Warwick

CEO, ThinkWarwick

Jacob Warwick is the CEO of ThinkWarwick, an executive-leadership and career-growth consulting firm. His team helps executives and entrepreneurs lead with their most authentic and compelling narrative.

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How Shrewd Mobile Referral Programs Accelerate Customer Acquisition

The best time to offer customers an incentive for referring your product is when they have their phone in their hands.

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How Much Should Your Content Marketing Really Cost?

Here is how to identify the content needs of your business and about the pros, cons and costs associated with multiple content-marketing solutions to better inform your budgeting decisions.

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Measuring the Impact of Your Content Marketing

Here is how to create and measure content marketing goals that are focused on producing ROI while also aligning with your target audience, business offerings and budget limitation

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How Brands Can Drive Results With Promoted Pinterest Pins

A step-by-step look at exactly how to get started promoting your content through Pinterest, as well as some actionable techniques to increase your chances for success.