Antonio Neves

Workplace Engagement Speaker, Award-Winning Journalist and Author

Antonio Neves is the author ofStop Living on Autopilot, host ofThe Best Thingpodcast and an internationally recognized speaker.

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Business News

5 Startups to Watch

From Ashton Kutcher investing in Dwolla to Instagram's record-setting acquisition, 2012 is shaping up to be the year of the startup. Here are five to watch.

Business News

An Inventor Reinvents His Business

Christopher Hawker was thrilled when his invention hit it big. But just a few years later, his company was on the brink of bankruptcy -- until he reinvented his business model.

Business News

Philanthropy as a Business Model?

Dancing Deer Baking Co. has made philanthropy an integral part of its business -- and it's still coming out on top.

Business News

When You Can't Go Big, Go Niche

野生地球玩具首席执行官丹尼·格罗斯曼made a career of thoughtful, deliberate decision-making.

Business News

Five Simple Ways to Redesign Your Business

When you're looking to grow, sometimes less is more.