Anna Belova

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO & Founder DEVAR

Anna Belova is a member of Forbes Under 30, finalist in the Veuve Clicquot International Business Woman Award, and has worked in AR since 2015. She is the CEO and founder of DEVAR and one of the founders of the no code platform, MyWebAR, for AR creation.



¿Todavía dudas si usar la realidad aumentada? Estas son las razones por las que deberías de empezar a utilizarla

Muchos de nosotros todavía no sabemos si es una buena idea usar tecnología de realidad aumentada. ¿Por qué? Vamos a resolverlo juntos.

Science & Technology

Are You Hesitant to Use AR Technology? Here's Why You Need to Jump on It Now.

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