Alina Dizik: Page 2

Alina Dizik is a freelance journalist and writer based in New York City. Her work has been published inThe Wall Street Journal, iVillage,Moremagazine, The Knot,BusinessWeekand the金融时报》.

Latest: Page 2


3 Teambuilding Exercises Tailored to Unique Business Challenges

How three entrepreneurs designed effective--and fun--ways to strengthen their teams.


如何Entrepreneurs are Successfully Tapping into the Healthy Spice Trend

A look at business owners in the snack and beverage industries that are finding success and growing their companies, one herb at a time.

Green Entrepreneur

Bars Go Green

How eco-friendly practices are helping drinking establishments attract a loyal clientele.

Thought Leaders

Do's and Don'ts of Seeking Business Advice From a Spouse

Entrepreneurs' spouses can wear many hats, but small-business owners shouldn't rely on them too much.

Business Ideas

Cooking Up New Business Ideas from Old-World Recipes

How some entrepreneurs are drawing from the distant past to put a successful new spin on old ideas.