Alexander Maasik

Communication Specialist at Weekdone

Alexander Maasik is a communication specialist at Weekdone weekly employee-progress reports. Maasik has a degree in journalism and public relations and a strong passion for internal communications and online collaboration.



How to Handle Internal Communication With a Young Staff

Making sure you and your youthful charges are on the same page.

Growing a Business

How to Make an Impact At Your New Job

Several simple steps to be the best from day one.

Thought Leaders

Why Goal-Setting Systems Have to Be Simple

You want your employees to use it, don't you?


Best Ways to Use Data in Making Decisions

Bootstrapping a startup means making decisions on the fly from your gut, but there's a point where a company has to use data has to drive its calls.


Reducing the Communication Gap Between Employees and Management

When everyone knows what's going on, your company benefits.

Growing a Business

Unless You Track Your Progress, Setting Goals Is a Waste of Effort

The single most common reason people don't reach their goals is they forgot they set them in the first place.

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